This piece was crafted by John Bowman, a financial advisor and research analyst hailing from Southern California. You can find me on social media, where I often remind folks that while history doesn’t exactly repeat itself, it certainly offers lessons. That’s a nod to Timothy Snyder’s “On Tyranny,” by the way.
To give you a bit of background before diving deeper, let me make a quick disclosure about my investments. I have positions in SVOL and JBBB, which may vary from direct stock ownership to options or other financial derivatives. Also, this article solely represents my personal views, penned independently and without any compensation from outside sources—except, of course, from Seeking Alpha. Let me assure you, there are no business ties with any companies mentioned here.
Now, just a gentle reminder from Seeking Alpha: while we strive to provide useful insights, bear in mind that past performance doesn’t guarantee future successes. We’re not making any specific investment recommendations here. The opinions shared are individual and don’t necessarily reflect the stance of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Do note, our analysts are a diverse group, including both seasoned investors and enthusiastic individuals. However, they might not necessarily hold any formal certifications or licenses.