To the editor: As we step into 2025, my deepest hope is for a year marked by honesty. This sentiment was touchingly captured by columnist Anita Chabria, who, in her New Year’s resolution, highlighted the importance of truth and compassion in writing, saying, “I generally don’t care about Republican or Democrat, but I do care about writing with compassion and truth.” (Referencing her column from December 29: “After a bruising election year in America, what will 2025 bring?”)
This past Christmas Day, when I gathered with my aunt and cousins, not a word was spoken about politics. Instead, we fully immersed ourselves in the warmth of family connections, relishing good food and the joy of each other’s company. We were aware of the political topics that could have pulled us apart, yet we chose to focus on our love and respect for one another instead.
Looking ahead, the country will face numerous issues that could easily lead to division. What worries me most is the potential distortion and suppression of truth becoming a common experience for us all. It’s crucial that we remain unyielding in our pursuit of truth.
By having this as our shared goal, we might find a way to restore some balance and unity to our lives.
Lynn Lorenz, Newport Beach
To the editor: “Happy New Year!”—a phrase we hear repeatedly as one year ends and another begins. But what does it truly signify? I’ve reflected on this a lot. It seems people often think happiness hinges on certain events happening or not happening, as if happiness is an external factor out of their control.
Here’s a revelation: happiness isn’t some distant goal to achieve; it’s a journey you take each day.
Simply put, your happiness is entirely in your own hands. It’s a decision you can consciously make, to be happy or not. Real happiness is something that arises from within you.
Regardless of which political team triumphs or who emerges victorious, happiness is your choice. Each morning, as you wake up, you have the power to tell yourself, “I am happy.” It truly is your choice.
Happy New Year!
Robert G. Brewer, Sherman Oaks