To the editor:
Robin Abcarian is spot on when she points out that people power is incredibly effective (“Americans aren’t waiting for the Democratic Party to take on Trump,” March 23). I’ve long championed civil disobedience because when it comes to being noticed, numbers really do have weight. Politicians pay attention when a significant chunk of their electorate voices their concerns. I saw this firsthand during my tenure in a City Council office.
Discussing issues within the confines of our social circles is insufficient when it comes to sparking change. Action comes from organizing and vocalizing those issues in public forums. As Abcarian mentioned, when a sizable group of voters takes to the streets in nonviolent protest, history tells us that transformation follows.
We urgently need to halt the current administration’s efforts to undermine our nation and strip away our rights. Terms like dictatorship and authoritarianism shouldn’t be thrown around casually, yet here we are, witnessing their potential rise. It seems there’s a lack of intervention, so it falls to us, the American populace, to rise up, carry on peaceful protests, and ensure our voices are unmistakably heard. Preserving the American way for future generations is both our duty and our responsibility.
I urge everyone to make themselves heard—whether through marching, protesting, writing letters, or making phone calls. If we remain silent, we might find ourselves conforming in ways we’d never imagined.
Marlene Bronson,
Westlake Village