If you’re overwhelmed by your student loan debt and wondering how you’ll ever pay it off, take a cue from Laura Long. She’s a prime example that tackling such debts is not as impossible as it might seem.
Laura hit a turning point when she saw that her regular payments weren’t doing much to reduce her $77,000 student loan balance. Determined to make a change, she took the plunge into entrepreneurship by launching a new business to support therapists in building thriving practices, even while running her own therapy practice.
Every penny of profit from this new venture went straight toward her loans. For Laura, each new client and every business triumph was more than just a career milestone; it was an opportunity to reduce her debt.
Remarkably, Laura managed to pay off her student loans entirely in just 18 months. She went from feeling buried in debt to enjoying full financial freedom, all through her focused efforts.
Her journey is a testament to the power of dedication and strategic planning. Whether you choose to start a business or pick up a side gig, the crucial components are maintaining discipline and consistently working towards your goal of becoming debt-free.