Credit Bureau Asia (CBA) stands as a prominent provider of credit and risk information solutions, serving an impressive portfolio of clients including financial institutions, multinational corporations, and even government agencies. Their reach extends across Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Myanmar, providing pivotal data services to local enterprises and individuals along the way.
Taking a closer look at their financial footprint, Singapore dominates the revenue scene, generating a hefty 96% of CBA’s income with a substantial S$52.2 million in 2023. Malaysia, although contributing a smaller slice, still adds a significant S$2.0 million to the mix. Meanwhile, operations in Cambodia and Myanmar are structured through joint ventures, adding regional diversity to their business approach.
CBA divides its operations into two primary segments: the financial institution data business (FI Business) and the non-financial institution data business (Non-FI Business).
In the FI segment, CBA has diligently set up credit bureaus that supply their subscribers—mainly banks and various financial institutions—with vital consumer and commercial credit reports. This service is critical for these organizations as they assess creditworthiness and make informed business decisions.
The Non-FI segment, though not elaborated in the excerpt, presumably provides equally valuable services outside the traditional financial sectors, further broadening the scope of CBA’s expertise and influence in the region.
Overall, CBA’s robust presence in the credit information arena reinforces its status as a key player in Asia’s financial landscape, underscoring the significant role of data in today’s interconnected economy.