In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, an intriguing trend known as “doom spending” has taken center stage. Much like its precursor, “doom scrolling,” this behavior emerges when people find themselves endlessly diving into a sea of negative news online. Faced with growing anxiety and uncertainty about what lies ahead, many resort to shopping as a way to cope.
So, what exactly is doom spending, and how do we tackle it effectively? This discussion delves into the notion of doom spending, distinguishing it from the idea of self-care, and suggests ways to manage its impact while keeping long-term financial objectives in mind.
From Doom Scrolling to Doom Spending
Today’s digital world thrives on constant connectivity, with negative news ever just a click away. Doom scrolling — the act of perpetually sifting through depressing news stories and social media updates — has become a widespread habit, particularly in times of crisis. This relentless exposure to negativity can amplify feelings of anxiety and despair.