On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average slipped by 25.57 points, a slight 0.1% dip, closing at 42,706.56 as reported by Dow Jones Market Data. This year, the index has climbed a modest 0.4%, marking its strongest opening over the initial trio of trading days since 2021, when it saw a 0.7% increase.
Meanwhile, the S&P 500 experienced a rise, adding 32.91 points or 0.6% to reach 5,975.38, achieving two consecutive days of gains. So far this year, the S&P 500 has risen by 1.6%, making it the best start to the year since 2018, when it advanced by 1.9%.
Turning to the Nasdaq Composite, it saw a significant jump, climbing 243.30 points or 1.2% to end the day at 19,864.98, also marking consecutive daily increases. Year-to-date, the tech-oriented index has surged by 2.9%, marking its most robust beginning to a calendar year since 2009, when it climbed by 4.8%.