The Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed up by 390.08 points, marking a 0.9% increase, and closed the day at 43,297.03. This surge highlighted its four-day rally, registering the longest winning streak in almost a month, based on the data from Dow Jones Market Data.
Meanwhile, the S&P 500 grew by 65.97 points, or 1.1%, wrapping up the session at 6,040.04. This strong showing made it the index’s best performance since November 6, as noted by Dow Jones Market Data.
The Nasdaq Composite also enjoyed a positive day, rising by 266.24 points, or 1.4%, to settle at 20,031.13.
Historically, since 1950, the S&P 500 has achieved average and median returns of 1.3% during similar periods, notably outperforming the typical seven-day market return of 0.3%, as highlighted by LPL Financial.