On an optimistic note, the Dow Jones Industrial Average climbed 390.08 points, marking a 0.9% increase, and concluded the day at 43,297.03. This uptick extended the blue-chip index’s rally to four consecutive days, marking its most prolonged winning streak in almost a month, as per data from Dow Jones Market Data.
Meanwhile, the S&P 500 experienced a robust gain, rising 65.97 points, or 1.1%, to close at 6,040.04. According to Dow Jones Market Data, this was the most significant single-day increase for the large-cap index since the 6th of November.
The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite also saw positive movement, finishing the day up by 266.24 points, which translates to a 1.4% rise, reaching 20,031.13 by the closing bell.
Historically, the S&P 500 has been known to perform well during this particular period. Since 1950, it has delivered average and median returns of 1.3%, significantly surpassing the market’s usual seven-day return average of 0.3%, according to insights from LPL Financial.