On Monday, U.S. stocks wrapped up the day mostly in the green, with tech companies taking the lead. Investors are keeping a close eye on the Federal Reserve, which is gearing up to wrap up its policy meeting on Wednesday.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped by 110.58 points, or 0.3%, settling at 43,717.48. This marks its eighth consecutive daily decline, matching a losing streak that hasn’t been seen since June 21, 2018, when the market faced a similar eight-day drop.
Meanwhile, the S&P 500 experienced an uptick, rising by 22.99 points, or 0.4%, to close at 6,074.08.
Over on the Nasdaq Composite, things were even more upbeat, with a jump of 247.17 points or 1.2%, culminating at an all-time high of 20,173.89. This achievement represents the index’s 38th record close this year alone.